Pakruojis Business Information Centre


Tourist arrivals every year


Total number of business entities


Newly renovated buildings

About us

The main activity objective of the Pakruojis Business Information Centre is the encouraging of small and medium businesses in Pakruojis district, creating friendly environment for starting entrepreneurs, providing information, advisory and training services to small and medium business subjects, rendering information and practical assistance, contributing to the development of new companies within the district and assistance to the existing ones in development their activities, adapting to changeable market conditions, increasing competitiveness and activity efficiency.

Services provided

  • Business information and consultation
  • Preparation of company founding documents
  • Preparation of business plans and projects
  • Organisation of trainings and seminars
  • Office services
  • Conference hall rent (30 pax) with or without equipment
  • Internet and computer services
  • Advertising services
  • Search for business partners


Business environment

Pakruojis is a competitive and distinctive city, targeted towards the new economics. It is the area of agriculture, business industry and strives for a high quality of work and life. The general precondition for the efficient functioning of economics of Pakruojis district is small and medium enterprises (SME), development of advanced agriculture and tourism. Establishment of SME and growth of their competitiveness is not only the proper foundation for the economic growth, but also one of the most important sources regarding the creation of new jobs.

In 2005, there were 28 677 inhabitants in Pakruojis district, including 16 673 of employable age. 20 909 of regional citizens reside in the country, which represents 72,91% of all the district inhabitants. Therefore, most of the district residents are involved in agricultural activity. Area of Pakruojis district amounts to 1316 m2.

Industry and business

Tiny and small enterprises are dominating the district. In 2005, 432 private enterprises, 9 public limited liability companies, 83 private limited liability companies, 9 cooperative companies, some public institutions, associations and over 80 public organisations are excecuting their activity in the district. Prevailing types of production in Pakruojis district comprise bread and cake products, beer, meat products, flax, wooden articles, parquet, dolomite metal, dolomite powder, ceramic articles, herbal teas, champignons, etc. The building services sector is well developed. AB Dolomitas, AB Klovainiu skalda, UAB Roldana, UAB Pakruojo parketas, UAB Pakruojo keramika, UAB Sidvija and other regional companies export the largest part of their production. Currently, 14,1 operating companies are per 1000 inhabitants in the district.
While developing a business-friendly environment in Pakruojis district, ‘Small and Medium Business Support Fund’ was established in 1998 and Public Institution ‘Pakruojis Business Information Center’ in 2002. Every year, the means are allocated from the district budget to interest reimbursement, seminars, technical assistance to entrepreneurs and partial funding of investment projects.


One of strategic development trends in Pakruojis district is tourism development related to the formation of a new image aimed at inter-district, inter-regional and international cooperation. Pakruojis district has a lot of natural (uncontaminated air, clean water) and cultural resources. There is a lot of cultural heritage in the district, such as 3 urbanistics centers (Linkuva, Rozalimas and Zeimelis), 17 former manor places, 17 windmills, 24 monuments of architecture as well as 36 historical, 126 artistic, 35 archaeological and 8 natural monuments. Pakruojis district is one of the Northern Lithuanian localities included into Ziemgala ethno cultural region. Wide plains change into little hills, small and unique towns, forests as well as Petrasiunai and Klovainiai dolomite quarries. Even though no natural water reservoirs exist in the territory, artificial water reservoirs formed after embankment of the rivers of Kruoja, Musa, Ezerele, Berzatalis and Obele — may be suitable for recreational needs.
In order to implement a purposeful development of tourism sector, the Public Institution ‘Pakruojis Business Information Center’ was established in 2002, which performs tourism functions.


Pakruojis district is the land of agriculture. The district has fertile soil suitable for the development of agriculture and which is a very important condition for the productivity, quality as well as competitiveness of agricultural crops. The general areas of the development among farmers comprise plant-growing and cattle-breeding. In the beginning of 2005, 16 agricultural companies carried their activities and 1460 farms were registered within the district. Striving for the competitiveness the district farmers expand their farms. Foreign capital has been invested into the district agriculture and the land market became more vivid.


‘Pakruojis Business Information Center’ implements Pakruojis District Municipality Council’s approved Pakruojis district efficiency improvement program. The aim of the program is based on the Republic of Lithuania state support for the acquisition or leasing of apartment buildings renovation (modernization) law and implementation legislation.

The main stages of the program are:

1. Preparation of home investment plan

2. Approval of home investment plan

3. Approval of implementation plan for loan investment

4. Borrowing of the funds by the municipality’s appointed Program Administrator, not by the homeowners

5. Organization of public procurement, selection of the contractor and technical supervisor

6. Designing, contract work and maintenance

7. Payment for the job done;8. Coverage of loan and interests

Business environment strengths in Pakruojis district:

  • Attractive geographical location for business and tourism development (the district is included into the international Via Hanza highway)
  •  Labour of a relatively low-cost
  •  Low-priced estate property
  • Traditions of mining, wood processing industry, brewers and commercial hunting are being developed
  • Countryside little urbanised, large potential of recreational and natural resources
  • Many buildings could be adapted for tourism in the district
  • Strong traditions and experience of cultivators and food products
  • There are large land plots formed, high fertility of land and the largest part of cultivable land reclaimed
  • Low contamination of soil, which allows to develop ecologic farms and production of natural products

Business environment strategic possibilities in Pakruojis district:

  • Friendly environment for development of non-traditional branches of agriculture
  • Application of modern, energy-saving technologies in business and agriculture
  • Possibility to process agricultural products
  • Possibility of  tourism sector development
  • Open niche for rural tourism
  • Open niche for services sector development, especially in rural areas


Please fill out this form with some general information about your event and our business information centre specialists will contact you.


Registration code: 168290365

Address: V. Didziojo str. 94, LT-83162, Pakruojis, Lithuania

Phone: +370 616 10 765


Head office opening hours:

I – IV     8 am – 5 pm

V           8 am – 3:45 pm

Tourist shop opening hours:

III – VII    11 am – 7 pm